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Re: Discouraged and Defeated

I am separated and is struggling to pay rent. I am very angry with my stbx because we had started a project together and where we both contributed financially now that project is left completely on me and I don't have all the money to complete it. Based on this I think that I am going to have to start over financially by the time this project plus the divorce is over. We are not divorced yet and he does not contribute. Technically we are still married and he gives me nothing for the rent of bills-nothing.
God will take care of me.

Re: Discouraged and Defeated

Dear Phyllis,

Have you been in contact with an attorney? Your attorney, with help from God, will take care of you -- if you're separated it's possible your stbx should be paying you support. Yes, even before the divorce is final. Talk to someone who knows -- an attorney - don't rely on what your friends or family have said (not saying you did this, just cautioning against it).