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how do you know?

I have been married for many years and the last ten have been empty. My husband thinks everything is great despite our trips to counseling and my sadness. I have met with an attorney and I am ready to move on. As always the problem is our kids, our friends, our family. We have two grown children and one still at home. I am worried they will think a divorce is all my fault. Their dad is too nice to do something like that... Also, on the outside, we look like the perfect couple so our friends will be shocked. My parents were shocked when I told them my plans to leave.

I am just wondering when everyone else knew it was the right time to move on?

Re: how do you know?

Jo: Never mind what other people think. They do not have to live your life. My ex and I knew it was over for a variety of reasons: no love anymore, nothing going on in the bedroom, he wanted to be alone from the start (I did not know he had Asperger's). I did a lot of crying, eventually had a nervous breakdown at 19 years into the marriage. I was severely neglected by my ex due to the Asperger's and our daughter was high maintenance - lots of stress. Someone nice found me after our daughter (she was 18 at the time of divorce and living with me when not in a nearby college) was grown. I have been in and out of counseling for several years and now I have time to focus on myself, my friends (friends can be a lifeline during divorce) and my health. Hope this helps you since you asked.

Re: how do you know?

You cannot live your life being concerned about what others are thinking. You have to do what is best for you. I put up with 31 years of verbal and physical abuse and everyone knew about it so when I divorced no surprise there.....except foo my adult 2 children; they were of course angry and upset.

P.S. There are NO "perfect couples" on the planet.
Stay in counseling for yourself. Unfortunately people assume others' marriages are fine; everyone wears a mask; no one knows what goes on in private.

Re: how do you know?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You both are right, I need to stop focusing on what others think and find happiness and peace.

Re: how do you know?

Have the strength to believe in your own convictions. It sounds like you already know what you need to do.

Re: how do you know?


I wonder how many marriages stay together because one of the people in it knew of the shock waves it would send through their circle of family/friends? Most likely more than a few. Not a great life for the person who would be more content out of the relationship.

Whose life is it? It's yours. You need to decide what's right for you. Once you've arrived at that decision then you will decide how to act. There are oodles of books and stuff on the internet on how to tell one's kids a divorce is happening.

You will take some hits for it. That goes with the territory. Keep it simple, "I have been unhappy for a very very long time. We've done what we can to try to bring the relationship back to what it should be but nothing has changed. He thinks it could still work, I know that it cannot. Therefore we're going to split up." No one has the right to hammer you for details or to make you defend your decision. Although they may think they do. But if you start defending it the argument against it will go on and on.

However, that being said tell the kids that you will answer any question they have at any time they have one. Tell them that nothing changes the way you feel about the and that you will do your best to keep them out of any discussions about divorce. Then do that - keep them out of all of it. Give them solid information as it comes along about the big stuff --- will one of you keep the house? or will it be sold? etc.

I was amazed at how much support I received once the word was out. Some people I thought would shun me (not too strong a word) did nothing but show support - for both of us.

But it wasn't all good. I could put up with some of the crap people said because I always knew - always - that I had done the work on the decision and knew it was the right decision for me. Never second-guessed it.

Hang in there.

Re: how do you know?


Thanks so much for the feedback. It was great insight. You are correct, I am sure that many people stay together to prevent the shock waves. To be honest, I have been waffling for that very reason. I told my husband on Sunday that I wanted a divorce and he is managing better than I am. My parents on the other hand called to make sure I had exhausted all of possibilities to save our relationship. I actually think our relationship will be better once we don't live together. Strange but true!

I am scared to death about telling the kids. They are the biggest concern for both of us. We are deciding how to tell them since only one lives at home. The other two have their own homes and live 3-5 hours from us.

I am also scared about being alone. I wish a magic genie could appear and show me the future. I am scared about the stuff related to maintaining a home that has taken two people in the past.

Part of me is excited to start a life where I don't have to take care of another adult. Part of me is dreading the change.

Thanks for the encouragement!
