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Re: please help

Dear Jason, Why aren't there more men like you out there. I was a step-child and had a step-child. It is difficult at best. I feel your wife is so so wrong here. A father is the one who loves and cares for a child not just the sperm provider. In your heart and most importantly in your daughter's heart you are her father. I can understand your wife feeling insecure about the ex. It is up to you to let her know that you care for the ex but do not love her in that way. I would demand your wife go to therapy. I am not living in your shoes but I would have never let your wife band your daughter from your home. Her child is older maybe he started it. Regardless this is normal and your wife reaction isn't. Do you want to be married to someone who whould hate a six year old? I think if you stand up to your wife she will back down. I think it is just wrong on all levels. Is your wife really a good person if she would do this to an innocent child? In this day in age you could get 50% custody of your child with your wife. Does she really want to break up her family? It is your job to protect your daughter. If your wife won't bend divorce her. She is not the type of women a great guy like you deserves. My thoughts go with you.