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what steps should I take to protect myself?

My husband informed me today that he plans to file for divorce. He's a pretty sneaky guy and I need some advice about what I can do NOW to protect myself from devious behavior.

Re: what steps should I take to protect myself?

Immediately see an attorney; first consultation usually free

Re: what steps should I take to protect myself?

You are in the beginning of a very long road ahead. Yes, seeing an attorney is first, but try to get as much information as you can in your hands, or copies of. Income tax statements, checking accounts, savings accounts, annunities. What cars do you have? Anything that was accumlated during your marriage is half yours, whether it is in both of your names, or just his.

Any children? Medical coverage, child support payments and the question, can you live in your home? Do you have a home? What is the equity in it? The list goes on and on.

Emotionally,....well the pain in unreal, and support of family, friends and this forum is vital. You are going to cry a million tears, you are going to have panic attacks, fear can be stop in your tracks from doing anything productive, but this is the very time that you have to push yourself, because it is important to get as much information as you can.

Is there someone else? What is the reason that he wants out? Can marriage counseling be helpful? Would he consider? So many questions, but the facts, the financial facts can not be ignored while you are waiting to see if this marriage can be saved. I am thinking of you.

Re: what steps should I take to protect myself?

Semolina: Close all joint bank accounts, joint lines of credit, joint credit cards and get your own. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. Many on this forum have had their accounts emptied by a spouse. If you need spousal and/or child support immediately, see a Lawyer. If you cannot afford to keep a Lawyer, seek legal aid, call your nearest Bar Association to see if there is anyone providing free legal help or go to your nearest courthouse for help or nearest women's services center. Let us know how it goes. We do care. I have been divorced since 2009. My ex did some sneaky things with lines of credit I didn't know we had (it showed up on my credit report) and requested the use of my credit before the divorce was final in order to buy a house. He also failed to close a joint credit card before the divorce (I closed it on the advice of my Lawyer) and failed to close a joint Dept. Store credit card after the divorce (which showed up on my credit report and I had to close). Do not leave your home if you own one together, especially if you have children. Both Lawyers threw my ex out after he filed. He had plenty of money to move on. If you cannot afford to stay where you live or foreclosure is looming, see about staying with family or getting a responsible female roommate (if you get a male roommate, you could lose spousal support if you are expecting it depending upon what state you live in). If he filed, he should be the one to leave unless he cannot afford to leave (if he is abusive, then he may be required to leave for your safety). If you have children, be aware that some Dads try to get full custody in order to avoid paying child support.