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When is enough, enough?

So, here I go. 30 years old, have been in 2 long term previous relationships before I met my husband. We have been together for 6 years, married for 4. Right after we got married (I'm talking a few months) I found out he owed 8,000$ in backed child support. (Yes, he has a daughter from a previous relationship who I love dearly) he hid this from me for months. Then I also find out he owes the IRS 17,000 for not paying in for his job (he's a contractor). I tried to overlook his woes because money is just that. We were in love and ready to have a child. A year and a half after we got married, we had a beautiful baby girl. Since the day she was born it has been total hell. He was not a complete doting Dad, and 2 years later to this day I feel like a single mother. I do everything for this little girl. Even when he's home, he is here but not "here." He barely plays, or pays attention to our daughter. He does not change her, feed her, put her to bed, etc. A few months ago, he was charged with domestic assault after drinking a whole bottle of rum and having an altercation with me. He claims he did not know what was going on, he was in and out of consciousness and claims he would never have done that if he was sober. (Stupid, right?) This man is 30 years old and acts like a teenager. Ever since our altercation, court, etc. He has become a monster. Not respecting me in any way, shape or form. We fight daily. Today he said he would try going on meds (depression/anxiety) to try and make him a happier person for me. He says he "loves me deeply" and "doesn't want to put me through this" but is a nasty, angry person daily. Makes me cry, all the time. Our precious 2 year old daughter gets upset when we fight and it breaks my heart. I am nothing but a good mother and wife. I have thought several times of leaving, but the thought of my little girl having to go through this is tearing me up inside. I am also concerned about my stepdaughter, I am her only savior amidst her 2 careless, trashy, drug addict parents. If it weren't for the children I would be gone in a heartbeat. Is this marriage worth salvaging? Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: When is enough, enough?

Dear Amanda, I am so sorry you find yourself in this situation. Like most of us on this forum you did not pick wisely. I know for myself there were so many signs I should have been warned by but I didn't want to see so I didn't. As heartbreaking as it, is it is what it is. You know in your heart what you need to do and that is to get out as soon as you can! Now that you have your beautiful daughter it is YOUR job to protect her even from her own father. You can not fix this only your husband can. His prior history isn't good so are you going to risk your and your daughter's futures on someone who is a threat to you financially, emotionally, and most importantly physically. Please listen to all the heartbroken ladies and children who have come before you. I hope you will be able to support yourself and child as he has already shown you won't be able to count on him. He will promise you to change, to get help, he loves you and on and on. The storm is coming closer and closer. Are you going to seek shelter for yourself and child or risk everything to ride it out? The odds are really bad that this is going to end well. If he is going to make these life altering changes support that but from a position of power. You are setting yourself and your daughter to be victims from the fallout of his actions. Your daughter will go through so much more than she is now if you stay in this relationship. If you read through the post on this forum you will read so many regrets from those who delayed doing anything when it was so clear they must. He is going down so how far down are you going with him? You love your step-daughter it is clear. I would just pray her mother would allow you to continue to have a relationship with her. Are you welling to put your little girl at risk to try and stay for the sake of the step-daughter. In my opinion the best thing you can do for both girls is get out soon. If your husband is going to change he will and if he actually proves himself you can reunite the family. Words from your husband mean nothing so base your future on actions and not just a few days or weeks. You owe it to yourself and child NOT TO LIVE THIS WAY! Please don't be one of us on this forum who did it all wrong and made ourselves and children suffer. I will pray for you and you might want to pray for the strength to do what is best.

Re: When is enough, enough?

Amanda: I was married to a man for 21 years who was later found to have Asperger's Autism by his sister, a Doctor. Anyway, I have been where you are now. My ex only changed 3 diapers in two years, he yelled at me when I asked him to prepare a bottle for her after I'd stopped nursing, he never dressed or bathed her, but he did hold her and play with her when he was home (rarely came home before 10 p.m.). It is exhausting. It sounds like he is verbally abusing you if you have been crying a lot. My ex often exploded out of nowhere calling me names. I wish I had left him sooner. I had no family support. At year 19 into the marriage, I had a nervous breakdown. He had stashed away over $200K and racked up a credit card debt of $20k two years in a row. I hope you will make a new life for yourself either with the help of friends, family or a trusted roommate or Housing and Job Training. I would get a free consultation with a Lawyer and if you cannot afford to keep them, check at your nearest courthouse, women's services center or nearest Bar Assoc. for free legal help. See if you can get into counseling. I am also a child of divorce. The kids don't need to hear their parents arguing. It leaves emotional scars. Sometimes my parents would argue for 2 1/2 years. My ex started drinking at the end of the marriage and made up stories about me and told my daughter them when he was drunk. I do not see your marriage as salvageable. Let us know how you are doing. We do care.

Re: When is enough, enough?

Your marriage is only salvegable if your husband gets help. In the meantime your first responsibility is towards those children. Get into counseling for YOURself call the domestic violence hotline; social worker. Begin to protect those children; can you go and stay with someone for awhile? When children grow up seeing and hearing abuse, quite frequently they become abusive and angry or MARRY someone like the abuser.

What your little girl is going through is far worse than you getting her out of abuse She is depending on you to help her.

Re: When is enough, enough?

Thank you all for the advice. My other fear (actually, the biggest one) is him not being able to care for the kids properly, if I do leave and we set up a court order. If I wasn't here, I don't know what would happen with his stepdaughter. Since he is a carpenter, he spends his days in the freezing cold and heat. For 6 years every day that he has come home, collapsed on the couch and slept for hours. I am afraid to leave my daughter with him in that kind of environment. I had left my daughter with him for one weekend in the fall- she had barely eaten anything, bedsheets were loaded with pee, and she was not bathed. There is no way I can prove him to be an unfit parent. Trust me, we have been to court several times with his ex. I would love for there to be supervised visitation, but he has already threatened he would do everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen. Last night I had had enough, and told him I wanted to separate. He said "Good, leave. Bye." With a **** eating grin on his face. I own everything in this house. I mean everything. Now I am forced to leave (his boss is our landlord, rented it out to him) and take everything with me, including a ton of furniture, electronics, etc. I shouldn't be the one moving, I am here all day every day working from home while he's not here- he sleeps here. I am going to have a talk with his parents, also, my mother who doesn't know any of this is going on. Why must women be put in this position? I have a lot on my plate, a lot of heavy thinking and planning ahead of me.

Re: When is enough, enough?

First off, there is a lot more to this story and the level of the abuse that is happening is only going to escalate .. I have dealt with a drug addict and alcoholic/drug addict at this point (think my picker is a little bent?) .. abuse of ANY kind only gets worse .. I agree get some help for YOU. He has already shown you the kind of person he is going to be while you are there .. in my situation it got worse when I left. You can't make him be a good dad and from the sounds of it if you are the emotional glue to the kids once you are gone he will be too .. meaning expect to be a truly single parent. YES .. the burden in many of these cases falls to the women .. not always .. however there is more than not and again .. he's showing you who he is .. believe him. It has helped me a great deal to get counseling for myself and in my case the kids too. They love their dad .. they do not like him and it is what it is. Second off I don't know what YOUR financial situation is BEFORE YOU LEAVE get every single piece of paper that and copy it that has ANYTHING to do with financial records .. pay records, taxes, and so on .. it is important as he will and can hide money and you deserve child support. He is probably not going to be the dad your daughter or your step daughter deserve .. that's the way the cookie crumbles .. I would encourage you to see what your options are when it comes to visitation .. I was very lucky and in my case I got sole custody of both of the kids. Again .. in my case I was able to get it worded so that they leave when they are done. Anyway you DO have a lot to think about if money is an issue start looking now .. I went for 12 weeks with no support I was not working at the time and thankfully I followed my own advice .. his atty walked in thinking he was going to delay for months and what happened was it was literally delayed a day. My atty was SHOCKED .. I had everything I needed right at my finger tips which made his life very easy. I was insistent that we go to trial immediately over temp support. I spoke to a woman who it was delayed 10x the last I talked to her .. that is NOT ok so protect yourself and get as many copies of things as you can. If he has had legal issues have those copied as well. The DV will help you in the beginning as well you can get an immediate order of protection it doesn't matter what he doesn't remember the fact the police were called and he acted out .. THAT matters. THAT is on record .. always protect yourself first. BIG HUGS .. it does get better I'm still trying to get divorce 2 1/2 years later. The other thing this has taught me is shop around for an atty .. there are atty's who have seen single mom's be horribly taken advantage of there are ones who are very good who will charge a flat fee regardless how many times you go to court. Do your homework there are 3 kinds of atty's sharks, snakes and foxes .. it is a fox you want .. a shark promises the world takes your money and you do not get the promises that were made .. a snake is just straight up deceptive and will take your money and bill for every single little thing .. a fox takes your money .. they are concerned in doing what is right for you .. I'm 14k into the hole on this divorce I made less than what I paid my atty last year .. I work part-time and it has been rough. It is NOT ok for these situations to happen.

Re: When is enough, enough?

Well ladies, it has been 3 months since I last wrote on this post. Thankfully, with a lot of hard work, determination and prayers, my husband and I were able to stay together. One day back in July I asked his boss (our landlord) if he had any places to rent. He then found out I wanted to separate from my husband, and I think he had a long talk with my husband that day on the work site. That, or my husband realized I was really going to go through with it and he needed to change.We did have a talk about the abuse, and he revealed he was severely depressed and having somewhat of a mid-life crisis over everything going on, he just snapped but in an entirely inappropriate morally wrong way. I forgave him, because I know deep down he's not a bad person, he wasn't being himself. We are doing extremely well now, to the point where I haven't felt this connection with him except for when we were first dating. We haven't fought in over a month. In fact, we don't fight at all... I ended up going to Arizona to see my best friend for a week and he watched the kids, and he was amazing with them. I came home to a clean house, and a welcoming hug. We seem like a completely different couple now, it is just awesome and the kids are happier knowing we don't fight- at all. He is happy, and doesn't seem depressed anymore. He is attentive and doesn't get angry over every little thing. It's a side of him I haven't seen in years and I can only hope it stays this way!

Re: When is enough, enough?

For your sake I hope it stays that way also. Just be careful and watch him. Take mental notes of his behavior toward you. If he truly does have a desire to change and loves you he will continue to work hard on becoming a better person. Everyone has flaws and no one is perfect. Different circumstances such as how we are raised can contribute to how we treat others as adults. Be patient and loving and watch him from afar. If you see some of the bad behaviors appear again, try counseling and then maybe separation. He needs to put you first. Always remember that.