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Restraining order for my child

I was able to get a restraining order for myself but not my 5 year old. Does this mean that when he gets out of jail he can just go pick her up at daycare. Why would the judge not grant this for my child if he agrees that he is a threat to me.

Re: Restraining order for my child

Did your child witness the act of violence? What happened to me was my STBX was fixating on me and the judge didn't see it as a threat to the children. We are in the middle of a divorce was why. The questions I ask are do you have a temporary or permanent visitation schedule in the courts? What does that say? Are you getting a divorce? Unless it's his visitation then NO .. he shouldn't be allowed to pick up. HOWEVER .. I want to be clear about this .. if he is NOT allowed to drop off or pick up from the daycare .. you need to be sure that there is paperwork there with the provider. I went a step further and had a copy of the TRO at the kids school so that if the principle or any other teacher saw him on school grounds the police were to be notified immediately ESPECIALLY if I was there as well .. thankfully he did not even bother going to the school. Have you talked to a Domestic Violence adjutant?? They can help you with wording and so on. I'm curious have you already been given the restraining order or do you have to go back to get the 2 year .. YOU can request .. you will need to have proof as to why you want it extended to your child and again the DV person can help you with that .. I don't know the extent of what you went through .. however based upon what I went through which was pretty much emotional terrorism for lack of a better term .. it was almost stalking very freaky stuff.