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Re: Atty Number 4 .. Oi!

I guess I have a very odd stance on support .. if we were still married he would be paying and even though we are divorced .. his income goes up 40% and mine goes down 70% there is a study that was done on single uneducated mother's. I hope that I can come a point where I get a life and a career .. this stuff is just down right STUPID and that's putting it mildly!!! Here in IL they really won't even look at cutting support unless there is a real need that is not limited to straight up job loss. Even then they usually won't look at it for 3 years .. at least that is the county I have filed in .. I only pray it stays that way. I don't imagine he's going to go away quietly .. I really have what I want and that is sole custody of the kids so the decisions I need to make I can make without discussion from him. We operate under a don't ask don't tell policy .. he don't ask .. I don't tell. What the kids want to tell him is up to them my only policy on that is IF it involves ME it's a subject that is COMPLETELY off limits. He is constantly up in my business in terms of drilling the kids about what I'm doing. They have gotten good at the standard answer of Don't know. I'm hoping we can move after this is all said and done .. I don't know .. it will be hard telling. I DO plan on getting some kind of job that I don't have to keep doing what I'm doing I can only hope that he keeps his job long enough for me to get an education. He owes what he owes and I'm like a bad penny .. I just won't go away .. lol. We'll see.