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my husband does not want to be married to me any longer

My heart is broken and I feel like I can't breathe. My husband of 16 yrs, who I have been with thru a severe injury he suffered ten yrs ago,has spread his wings so to speak and wants a different life for himself, without me in it. In addition, I have cancer, which he has openly admitted "he does not want to be around for". I accept that I can't happily be with a man who does not love me anymore (his words) but why does it hurt so much? When will the hurt begin to subside? What did I do wrong?
Will I ever stop thinking about our happy memories?

Re: my husband does not want to be married to me any longer

Dear Mel, We will all be praying for you to have a speedy recovery. Your husbands actions have shown you just what kind of man he really is. If he has always been a really fine man maybe he has some recent mental health issues such as mid-life crisis. Maybe his fear of losing you has forced him to lose you on his terms. Hard to say just what is going through his head. I can't imagine just how difficult it will be for you facing this illness without the one person who is supposed to be there for you in sickness and in health. Please gather a large and strong support group around you. Your mental state affects your physical health as well. The heart break will actually fade with time. Each of us has their own time table to get over the pain. With a broken heart it is hard to think of anything else but it is so important to protect yourself and kids if you have them financially! This is where you really have to act and fast and use your head not your heart. Many will take advantage of the fact that you want them back and make promises in order to position themselves better in getting more out of the divorce. Many have taken the family assets and hid them spent them or given them away. You need legal counsel fast. Without adding to your pain you need to prepare yourself for the fact there could be another women in this picture. Come here and post and let out your tears. It is time to put yourself first as he isn't going to do that. Please keep us posted on your condition. Seek love and understanding from those in your life who truly love you and will be there no matter what. Just be smart not sorry.

Re: my husband does not want to be married to me any longer

My husband had a spinal cord injury in 2004. I was by his side at the hospital, rehab at Craig Hospital, and have been by his side ever since. When we met I was just 2 yrs out of my first marriage. There was a substantial age difference, but we fell in love. He adored me and treated me like it. Was everything #1 was not. Life was beautiful. Full of laughter, sex, love, hopes and dreams. We were together 6 years when injury occurred. Downhill since. I am a nurse and understand the anger, bitterness, life adjustments, lost hopes and dreams...but I had prayed the aggression that would develop would not fall to me. It has. Worse yet, he discovered Cialis 2 yrs ago. His constant focus on sex and other women, translating into disrespect for me, had become unbearabe, as did the rages, verbal abuse and general disdain. He did say he lost interest in the marriage years ago. As a result of the injury, he received a very large settlement and the money has produced alot of this behavior. He began living for the moment, without me, unfortunately. Lavish trips for him "and the guys". I did reach a breaking point June 18 and divorce is in process. No children with him.