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My husband and I have been married for 10 years now and have a 7 and 8 year old. He's been a very good supporter however, right before we were married, he developed cancer and had extensive treatment done and as a result a lot of residual disabilities because of it. He has a very hard time relating to my 8 year old son (who desperately needs a father figure). He treats him more of a friend then a son and we disagree on a lot of parenting issues because of it. Because of his illness he does not have a "filter" cognitive thinking wise. He has discussions with my 8 year old that he should not be having and as a result I recieve calls from camp/school becuase of it. I'm very frustrated. I've been a caregiver for my husband since before we were married and not that's all that I feel I am. Recent events have made me realize that things will not change for me and the children and I just want to be happy and a better mother to them. I am considering filing for separation however, I want to make sure that I will be able to provide for them. I work full time and make a decent salary but, my husband's name is on the house and we've never had mine put on it. I suppose my questions are... can I stay in the house with the kids, he would not be able to take care of them by himself, what are my rights as being their sole parent? Do I have legal grounds for divorce in MD?


Re: Confused

rd: Check the divorce laws for MD on this site. Nobody or no law can make you stay in a marriage you don't want to be in. Check with a Family Lawyer. They are the best where children are concerned.