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I'm moved, I did it!!

On Tuesday I moved into my place. It was a hard night, I looked around and thought WHAT am I doing here? I want to be in MY house, married to the 'love of my life' who didn't want to be married to me. I found myself talking out loud to myself, then crying, then yelling, for God knows how long? I must have cried myself to sleep, exhausted from all the emotion of the past few weeks/years. And guess what? I woke up 8 hours later, never waking all night long (I always am up at least 3 times every night forever). I wasn't dead, it didn't kill me, and I got through yesterday, unpacking over half the boxes the movers moved the day before. My point: I am proud of myself. I'm moving forward, the only thing I can do. Cripes it's hard!!

Re: I'm moved, I did it!!

And I am proud of you too.

When I think of so many women who make this step, and cry a thousand tears. and all of us thought at that moment, that we will never survive this....guess what? we all did. Not one of us, died and who would have thought?

Many of us also found us, missing and loving the person that will now never be the other half of us. And that hurts. It really, really, hurts. And I am not sure how long that is going to take to get over. But I now this that there are many, who loved and lost a dream, I am not alone, I am not the only one, and somehow there is a little comfort in knowing that because I see that people still laugh, still enjoy and seem to find another way of life.

Make your place, your home, your stamp on exactly who you are. I really did enjoy that part, because I came from a marriage that I never even picked out a color.....And I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and no longer walking on egg shells, and the feeling that when I pulled into the driveway, Oh, how nervous I got about the drama that awaited me inside. The lies, the betrayal. Now I have a home where no one inside hurts me.

Find the blessings,, take the time for yourself and learn. Good luck, we are all pulling for you.

Re: I'm moved, I did it!!

Good for YOU!! It's going to be an emotional rollercoaster for a while and that's ok. This too shall pass and it really may feel like a kidney stone at times .. it will get better. I know I didn't realize how bad things had gotten until I started healing away from the insanity of it all and really realized that I wanted the dream I had imagined and not the reality I was dealing with on a day in and day out basis. Things are hard at times .. this week was a rough week .. it is ok .. it wont be like this forever and things they are a changin'. BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!!