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Re: Contested divorce necessary?

Maria: I have been divorced since 2009. The Lawyer is "running the show". My ex wanted everything - i.e., the house, 50 percent of the money (he had much more and was a big spender - long story), our 18 year old daughter, etc. You need your own Attorney ASAP. Best Wishes. If you still have any joint accounts, joint lines of credit, joint Dept. Store Cards, close them. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. He may be wanting to proceed with the divorce because he has either found someone else or wants to get his financial house in order. His Lawyer or someone else may be influencing him. My Lawyer intervened and he got nothing except his retirement (I get his Social Security after he passes because it was a long marriage). You will probably have a "four way" which means you and he and both Lawyers will sit down and try to work something out and after that the Lawyers battle it out, sometimes stalling. In a situation like this, it is best to have your Lawyer do the work and the "homework", believe me, I know, I've been through it already. I wanted a smooth divorce, too, (he filed) and who knows what lies he told his Lawyer. He suspected me of hiding money which was not true, but who wanted to give him more money to blow when he was already making great money at work?