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Re: The long spiral into chaos

Well I will try again, I hate this site it constantly tells me I'm doing SPAM .. LOL!

What I want to say Sharon is welcome and I hope you can find some healing for yourself.

Divorce is hard. It is akin to death, only in death at least there is final closure where divorce the person (and there are times) I do wish he would just hurry up and die .. I know not nice thoughts .. it is what it is and thankfully I know enough to know .. it's ok to feel that way .. they are my feelings neither right or wrong .. now if I acted on them whole other issue!!

I can so relate to what you shared .. only not about the part of being divorced .. still going through that .. ugh. Anyway, it will be a long time before I am able to think about going out. I have decided to put whatever effort I was going to into a new relationship .. putting it back into ME. I count and I matter.

There are great support groups I would encourage you to get involved with one of them being DivorceCare .. I would put the website I'm thinking that's why my last message got booted!

The whole process of divorce is going to be part of the grieving process. It is an end that really doesn't end if you have children together. In my case I do so my healing clock has started clicking .. however not really. I'm so hoping to be DONE sooner than later. It is grieving the loss of a dream, what I thought the relationship was, what the relationship was in reality and it wasn't fun for either of us .. lol. It IS grief and we all need time to heal and figure out what does that mean now. I hope you are able to figure things out for you. I have a great support family behind me and it's the only way to roll when dealing with grief and starting a new chapter. A year out of a divorce really isn't that long give yourself time to heal and figure out what you want and who you are .. it will be worth it in the long run. HUGS :)

Re: The long spiral into chaos

Sharon: I have been divorced since 2009. I had read that it takes two years on average to "heal" from a divorce and be ready to move on. I keep the t.v. or radio on and have a pet to combat the lonliness. About 2 1/2 yrs. after the divorce, someone found me. I nearly rejected him, but took time to think about the situation and sent him a conservative Valentine just to let him know I was still interested. No, it's not perfect, but I had vowed I'd never date again after the divorce. I never thought anyone would want me in my late forties - thought everyone was married, but there are a lot of divorced people out there - some looking for a new start. If I were in your situation, I would stay off the dating web sites for a while and give yourself more time. Please be careful about these sites, I've heard some only want sex.