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What does it mean when my husband starts discarding our kids.

In 2009 we had a 13 year old son murdered and my husband has been on down slide every since. If our kids do not do actually what he asks or how he asks, he tells them he no longer will feed them or give a care about them. He wrote off our oldest son because he is gay. He now wants to write off our other son because he doesn't want to be part of a failing system of making money. Our daughter has become his next victim and she actually hates him already. My husband talks down at me and calls all of us dumb. I want to leave but I have to have spinal surgery and can not work. He knows I need him and it really kills me. He has even blamed me for our youngest getting killed but I know I only did my best to love my son. My husband is evil and then sometimes he acts like nothing is wrong. Help!

Re: What does it mean when my husband starts discarding our kids.

Linda: Sorry about the loss of your son. It sounds like your husband is a very abusive, controlling and angry man. I would leave after you recover somewhat. I had a back injury back in 2005 and cannot sit or stand for prolonged periods and could only work just a few hours a week, plus I was a stay at home mom for half of the 21 yr. marriage. I got alimony after I was turned down for disability - not enough time worked/credits, I was told, etc. . If your other kids are old enough to work, perhaps they, too, could help you financially or you could ask him to leave and get a roommate to help with chores and expenses or live with family or have one of them live with you. Why stay with him? Your health will be a big consideration if you leave him regarding alimony if you are unable to go back to work, and, even if you are, you could still get alimony of a restorative nature (check the alimony laws in your State) and get a free consultation with a Lawyer. Clearly, having him around is not good for the kids.