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HELP! I Have to represent myself!!!

Have to represent myself, no money no help, but need to protect my children. I thougt i was prepared to file for full custody, but now i think i may be missing things please help. I live in ohio and I found out 6 months ago my es is living with a habitual registered sex offender! I found out the real story by getting the court docs from her trial, it is sick to say the least. Well we have shared parenting and once i found out the real story I went to child counseling service, they said since we had shared parenting they would not and could not talk to the boys unless both parents agreed and filled out the paperwork. My ex refuses to fill it out so i cannot get anyone to talk to them to make sure nothing has happened!!! So i called children services in my county and his both said she did 5 years community service so all she has to do is report when she moves but she can live right beside a school no problem!!! and i am like you have to be kidding me!!!! and YES there is a high school right behind his house literally right behind they live in a subdivision with tons of kids running around!!!

So i want to go for full custody with supervised visitation with his parents, meaning his parents would pick up and drop off the boys and he has to go to their house to see them and she is not allowed anywhere near them, and we live over 150 miles so i wanted to change it to long distance visitation so they would have them one weekend a month not every other weekend, crazy driving in snow and bad weather 9 months out of the year 1.5 miles down and 1.5 miles back.

so i found a motion to modify custody, but i think i need to reopen the divorce case from before not sure how and where to do that or if i even need to or if filing to motion would automatically do that?

Also i wanted to place a temporary custody order to have the children with me until the court hearing decides, can i do that with the circumstance and how do i do that i cannot find the form anywhere!!!

so frazzled i was unemployed for a little bit but back to work but i don't get paid big money and since i just moved i am trying to get everything caught up and everyone wants a retainer of 1200 at the least! i need to protect my kids and nobody will help me, i just stumbled on this site so i pray that you all can help this is my last resort or i am going to end up filing and it may get thrown out for not having everything in it.

oh and to boot i have to change our meeting place from kmart to the jail because his girlfriend wants to try and argue and fight with me, i just stay sitting in my car and i have recorded everytime on a handheld to have proof. Please help, Stark County Ohio all alone

Re: HELP! I Have to represent myself!!!

OK. I just did a Web search for "pro bono family lawyers Stark County OH". Here's what I came up with:


This is the direct link to the American Bar Association's public resource of pro bono legal professionals. I'd recommend you check that out first. Good luck!