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He needs to move out

Well, I thought I was being nice by giving my STBX time to move out. It has been a month and he is still looking. He wants to buy a house but has limited funds and is being picky. Then last night he says to me he may not be able to buy a house for 4-5 months. Tonight I come home after working a 13 hour day to him watching TV and drinking. He was suppose to mow the lawn and clean the yard. That was part of our agreement. He was to pay me lower than market rent to save some $$$ but needed to help out with these things. Tonight it was all about how life is so crappy. He is not making it any easier by not moving. I am officially filing the papers on Friday. It is just becoming challenging. I really don't want to have to say get out because it will not sit well with our kids but darn, he needs to move on. Any ideas on how to approach this?


Re: He needs to move out

Jo: I would advise you to get a Lawyer or Legal Rep. and get him to move. Perhaps he could rent a room or go to an off season motel until he can move into a house or rent a studio apt. Tell the Lawyer he has been drinking and isn't helping around the house. Drinking in front of you and the kids can't be good. Both Lawyers kicked my ex out because he had shoved me in the past and they thought he could start argueing with me. Close all joint accounts and get your own. A Lawyer would tell you to do this.

Re: He needs to move out

And of course it is NEVER the woman who is at fault.