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My ex moved with the child

Can my ex move with my daughter to another state when our custody documents show we have shared legal and shared physical custody without letting me know? She moved to a different state and registered my daughter and informed me after the fact. I have my daughter for visitation, but she says that I should give her my daughter back while she already told me she was moving to a different state. Do I give her my daughter to not violate the existing order of 50-50 or do I keep her with me so that she doesn't move to a different state and have her mother visit whenever needed. She sent me a letter stating she was moving with the new address and the school's address.

Re: My ex moved with the child

Dear Mr. Bonny, I would contact a lawyer or the courts and let them know that she is going to remove the child without your permission unless the courts have granted her the right to do so. Get out your court orders and see exactly what they state. I would write her a letter right away and state she does not have your consent nor the courts consent to move your daughter. My nephew's girlfriend did this and her ex filed in court to have the child returned. She refused but eventually returned with the child. She was arrested at the airport for child stealing and actually went to jail for awhile over it. She can not take your custody rights away. This could also change your child support if she has the child more. I think I would send her a registered letter ASP letting her know she absolutely does not have your permission to remove the child. Most court orders do not allow them to move more than so many miles away. Best of luck to you! Just because she is a women doesn't mean she has more rights then you but you have to stand up for those rights. You could maybe even let the police know she is planning on moving the child without your permission. It would be nice to hear from you to know how this went.