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Re: Is there any way at all to retain the house in a divorce?

Michelle: We bought our house right before marriage also. The house was in both our names (my name now). My ex had substantial money to move on, while I did not, in comparison to him. Several years later, when he paid off his debts, etc., he bought another house. Getting the house or not depends upon many factors such as employability/earning power of both, health of both, length of marriage, whether or not you had kids and stayed home with them for a long time. If you do not already have a Lawyer, you need one ASAP. Do not leave the house without first talking to a Lawyer unless you fear for your own safety and/or the safety of others. Most times in a divorce situation, assets are split 50/50. He got his retirement (401K, etc.) and I got the house. Even so, my Lawyer said I was lucky to have gotten the house (I am also injured) and that it wasn't ordered sold. I had no place to go. I get his social security after he passes because it was a long marriage - 21 yrs. Let us know how it goes. We do care.