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Re: Wont send our daughter back home.

Dear Kristin, Start a paper trail immediately. Don't write anything that you wouldn't want a judge to see. I would E-mail what ever documents you have proving he is in violation of the court's orders. Once she doesn't return contact the police in his city and ask if they can help but make sure you have proof he is basically keeping her against the courts orders. I am not clear if she is a minor or not. The term sole managing Conservator sounds as if she is not and maybe she has some kind of funds you manage for her. If this is the case then money could be the motivation. He may be stalling and filing something in a court in his state. I hope you had an attorney help you before. I would contact them immediately for help. You might get your attorney's fees back if you are lucky. Thank God the states have more cooperation these days. When my brother got divorced forty five years ago he had custody in one state and she had it in another. They each took the child and ran to the state which they lived in and it was literately down to physically snatching the child. I will keep you in my prayers.