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Re: Abusive relationship, emotionally drained.

Dear Mira: I stayed in a verbally abusive sitution until I found the book that saved my life: The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans....and got out after 31 years.

Abusers rarely change. You can do nothing to make him see his behavior is destructive and he is teachng/modeling behavior which your children may either become abusive OR marry an abuser.

You need to be strong for them; they have no power to change their circumstances.

I think you should let your parents know and others;you need all of the support you can get. Are there any shelters, good therapists where you are?

If your parents could send you money....you could escape and stay with them? Verbal abuse very often escalates to physical abuse.........women are murdered every day.

You didn't create the monster, but you CAN escape him.

P.S. Yes, I experiernced spiritual abuse from a protestant church...big time: www.churchabusepoetrytherapy.com

Keeping secrets I find, is destructive......

Be strong; take courage.