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Re: contemplating divorce

jenna: A question like this needs to be handled by a Lawyer. I was in a 21 yr. marriage and my family has a Trust. My brother is the rep. for the family trust and he stopped him from receiving it after he left. I got the cottage and he got his retirement.

Re: contemplating divorce

Dear Jenna, First of all why after 53 years of marriage would you want to get a divorce? I to have a very controlling husband who has hid money from me in the past. We have been married 40 years. I did file for divorce a few years ago but we reconciled. He is much better about the money now but I still feel I am powerless when it comes to this area of our marriage. Our husband's are from a different era where men did control the finances. My husband worked very hard and was somewhat successful. I also worked 30 years. Do not take at face value what he tells you. You need legal advice and be prepared for a long haul. I would think he would have to prove all of this in a court of law. I would pray you have a good relationship with your children. Personally I would be thrilled if my kids had a trust worth millions.Of course you have to survive and should be given enough to live very comfortably. If you have been married 53 years I assume you are somewhere in your 70's Divorce is not for the weak of heart! The stress puts great tole on you and your health. I would also consider the ill will this may create between yourself and your children. No matter what he says the courts will protect your rights. I would never suggest someone stay in any kind of abusive relationship whether it be physical or mental. Life is to short. Do your homework and seek legal counsel and don't listen to him. If you are sure in your heart you want a divorce start preparing and stop tipping your hand to him. You don't want him to start manipulating the money. If you do this you are a much braver women than I was. At the end of the days the fear being alone and having to make major changes in my life were just to great after I started the divorce. If I were younger I may have felt differently. My husband is basically a good man just very very controlling! Just try and stop and think what your life will be like if you do divorce him and will it be that much better for you. If so do it.