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stomach in knots followed through..

I left Yesterday.. Said everything I felt I had to. Wont leave me alone. getting everyone to call and harass me. Feeling overwelmed. Just heard he is driving around looking for me. Im not ready to talk. And whats the point?? 20 years of trying... My mind feels like its on overload. Can't he just give me space.

Re: stomach in knots followed through..

Hang in there! You will have a lot of ups and downs. You need to do what is right for you.

Re: stomach in knots followed through..

Jackie: I would contact a Lawyer ASAP. This sounds like stalking.

Re: stomach in knots followed through..

Hang in there, don't look back, just forward, forward, forward! Love yourself, trust yourself, nurture yourself, keep your boundaries up.

I am leaving this week, found a house, I am very scared and confused and feeling very guilty for breaking up my family but I am going to do this if it is the last thing I do. Ask yourself if you had one year to live, what would you do? Under which circumstances and with who? I found that the misery and pain of my marriage cannot continue, wasting my precious life.

Courage, chin up!