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How do I stop hoping things will change

My husband and I have been separated for 4 months, and have started the divorce process. (Paperwork has been filed) but it is what he wants and not me. How do I stop wanting to fight for this marriage. I know that towards the end we were not very happy and fighting all the time about everything. but we were happy at the beginning or at least I was happy or so I thought. Now that we are separated he wants absolutely nothing to do with me, when we do talk he is so cold and short. How do I get over that? How do I get used to the coldness? How do I stop loving him so much? How do I let go like he seems to?

Re: How do I stop hoping things will change

Jessica: I have been divorced since 2009. My ex moved across the country. I have not been in regular contact with him since 2010 and he got a new girlfriend shortly before we went to court for the first time. It may be your husband has someone new or just is keeping it short because he doesn't want to get into an argument. Divorce is an adjustment and it takes time. Surround yourself with supportive friends and pamper yourself. A new guy found me a few years after the divorce after I'd vowed I'd never get involved with anyone again. I met him at a health club and I also take Yoga. I would not want to fix things or try again with someone who is not willing to.

Re: How do I stop hoping things will change

You can't stop your feelings. Getting into counseling might help. xo

Re: How do I stop hoping things will change

Jessica: I agree with Nicole counseling may help alot of place have couselors at discounted rates such as universities or community colleges.

Re: How do I stop hoping things will change

I do currently go see a counselor and it does seem to help and I do realize this is a change in my life that is going to take time to get used to and comfortable with.

I know that I can do this and raise my kids as a single divorced mom but it is harder than I thought it would be to be mom all the time. And I have had a lot of time to realize that I lost who I was and am loving finding out who I am turning into. A Strength that I didn't realize I had before.

I was so emotionally beat down by him so often that I was always sick, High blood pressure, headaches/migraines, weight gain, etc. I would get so worked up about going out to events with him knowing that it would cause a fight because I would expect him to actually acknowledge me and act like we came together (treat me like I existed)that I would make myself sick (typically end up with a migraine and down and out for two days)

live in a very remote part of my state and there really isn't much to get out and do and that is discouraging and the weekends that the kids go with him are so long and I feel the loneliness even more then.

I have such a hard time trying to integrate myself into my friends lives because they all have kids and I feel like a third wheel. Not that any of them ever seem to mind but I feel like I am imposing.

But even after all of the things I said above how do I not miss him and hope he will change his mind and we can work through this. I keep pushing forward through all the pain and anger but I feel that I keep falling backwards. Two steps forward and three steps back. I guess I am more emotionally screwed up than I thought.