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Need to go home

I want to go leave the state with my children and go back home. My ex sees the kids on Thurs. when it works for him and has them the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. He does not want them for any more than 2 weeks in the summer. He travels a lot on his job and is out of town a lot. I have no one here to help me or to count on if I need anything. My ex could actually work from anywhere.I am emotionally drained and mentally stressed. I have dealt with all the things for the children on my own, like finding a school, their therapy, their counseling sessions,(they are not adjusting well at all). I am totally alone here. I have an entire family in another state, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousin. I have to work and my children would not have to stay in afterschool programs, as my parents are more than willing to help. I could go back to school and further my degree. It is impossible to do all this on my own. I want the children to have a relationship with their father, and that could be accomplished. There is IPad, computer, a lot of ways they could be always in touch. The children visited
my home this summer and my little 7yr. old said to me, "mommy now I see what family is, I like it here." I thought it was always about what is "best" for the children. What is going on is not best for the children. They are worse than ever with all the changes, and my one child has special needs. Everything they need is available in my home state, and in fact the resources are better. It not about our children, it is about an adult being selfish and not putting his children first. I just don't understand how this is fair to me being all alone and I have such a better option.

Re: Need to go home

Dear Lea, I assume you have talked with the ex about this and he has said no to your proposal. It is almost impossible for you to get the courts to agree if he doesn't. Have you asked what he would want if he would agree to this move. It sounds like close to 50/50 custody at this time to me if he has them 1st and 3rd week of the month. Unless he is willing to agree or relocate I regret it sounds doubtful that this is going to happen for you and the kids. Try and build a better support group with friends. It is hard but both parents have rights and this would basically be almost taking his kids away. Maybe he will help more with the things you need help with. It sounds like a no win for your side. I pray you will get the help you need to make this less than perfect arrangement work for everyone.

Re: Need to go home

Lea: I would contact a Family Lawyer to see what they say about moving since your ex travels a lot. Tell your Lawyer what you have written here. If you cannot move, I would see if your parents and/or other relatives can stay with you for a couple of weeks in the summer to help. If you cannot move back home, I hope when your kids are grown that you can move and find peace with your family.