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Re: My Daughter Wants to Live with My Dead Beat Ex!

While I do not mean to be insensitive to your hurt, I would urge you to take a look in the mirror. Is it possible, just possible, maybe your daughter sees you for how you truly are? Do not misunderstand, I don't know the situation, and I am not judging. However, I do find it funny that in every dispute between a man and a woman, no matter what happens or what it is about, it is always the man who is at fault. There is an old joke, except it is not a joke, why do men die before their wives? Because they want to. The courts totally favor the woman, without exception. So does society. If a man hits a woman, he is a monster, but never mind that 50% of the time it is in self defense(and don't give me that crap about a woman cant hurt a man. Women can and do damage. And not every man is rippling with muscles, either) I do know in my own marriage, the whole breakdown of my marriage is 100% my fault, my wife has NEVER done one thing wrong, and if we ever do get divorced, the courts will award her everything. Lucky for me, while the kids do love their mother, they do see her for what she is, and they love me just as much as her. My 14 year old son loves his mother but is sympathetic to me because he is old enough to understand what she does.

Again, I don't know the situation, I only talk this way based on behavior I have seen from women, and I know women are not the innocent angels they are portrayed to be. If your husband is a loser, and does these things, maybe, just maybe you drove him to it. If you actually are innocent in this, then I do deeply apologize, but for the love of God, I know its not 100% him. its not 100% ANYBODY. Please be the rare good woman who will be accountable for what faults may belong to you