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Deadbeat Dad has a lawsuit filed - how do I file a claim

My childrens father has not worked in over a year. He is currently $1400 in arrears and was having his support garnished from his wages. He was injured in the parking lot of his employers business (Costco) while performing a job duty. I found a claim he has against the woman who hit him with her car and would like to know how I can receive part of that claim. He is currently paying $200 per month plus $100 toward his arrears. I have gone into serious financial debt and have many loans to be repaid (personal).

I live in New York. Thank you

Re: Deadbeat Dad has a lawsuit filed - how do I file a claim

Dear Joy, This is a difficult situation for you. I would look up the laws on bodily injury settlements in NY. It just might be you can't touch it. Sounds really unfair if that is the case but find out for sure. It sounds as if he puts his kids last. My mother really never got support for us either. It was a really hard childhood for me. I wish you luck and pray that my hunch is wrong.

Re: Deadbeat Dad has a lawsuit filed - how do I file a claim

Is he claiming unemployment due to his injury? You may be able to file to have his CS deducted from it.