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Re: non payment of divorce settlement

Dear lou poyser, You could try legal aid or even research how to file yourself. He is in contempt of court. You might try contacting the source of the dividend payments and provide them with a copy of the court order. It may be their duty to see that you are paid as well. Be real nice and ask them for their help. Maybe they could pay you directly your half. He is getting away with this because you are not forcing his hand. Send a demand letter and state he is in violation of the court order. Tell him you will have to take legal action in he continues to take your money. Start to play hard ball and don't be a victim any more. Put your demand in writing so you have something to show the court. He is basically stealing from you and his children. Many times they count on us continuing to be the victim and they get away with murder.

Re: non payment of divorce settlement

thanks so much you said exactly what I feel