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Re: can anyone tell me where I messed up?

Very well said. I have to commiserate where the sex was concerned. My situation is somewhat different although the same in many ways. My 35 yr old husband had a spinal cord injury and for 8 years he could not have sexual intercourse so he was not interested in anything else especially where my pleasure was concerned. I did without and lived on memories, I would never have dreamed of cheating. 3 years ago his urologist told him about Cialis. Since he now had the option of intercourse, that aspect of our lives resumed, however, he had NO interest in participating in any way except as a recipient and he had very specific ideas he had been "inspired" to develop from observing porno movies. Not my cup of tea. So that fell apart and all he could do was to fantasize about other women, and how I was standing in his way of having a gratifying sexual life. Double standard. I wasn't supposed to do that when the tables were turned. And what he wanted to do was not pleasant to me in any way, shape, or form. So, we are where we are, divorce pending. (that he wants, and mainly based on the idea that our relationship has run its course he likes to say). Talk about hurt after everything I stood by him for. Despite all that, I still miss him terribly, it has only been a month since I moved out, and I ask myself what makes me still want to talk to him and see him when I know it will only culminate in verbal abuse? I don't succumb to that feeling, but I wish it would go away.