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Attorney' s balance and withraw


I have been working with a firm since October of 2013 in my case. In September I found out that my husband had a extramarital relationship for the last 3 years. We have been married for 9 and 1/2 at time of filing and we have a 7 year old child. After these 10 months and 4 hearings with General Magistrate, we got Temporary support, alimony, and he still have to maintain mortgage and utility bills. The problem is that the firm used 2 attorneys to represent me and 1 paralegal. they ended up billing me double time at hearings and reviewing all the work between both attorneys. Next week is the hearing for Case Management and I have a balance of 10k pending of the 42k that I have been billed. Besides that, they were questioned by the Magistrate why they charged double to represent me and they explained that they will give me a credit of overcharges. They never did after that hearing and now they are saying that if I dont pay the balance before the trial, that they will not represented me. Also, the Magistrate did not order my husband to pay any of the attorneys fees. At this point I want to look for another attorney, because I see that going to trial it will cost a sum that it will deplete the assets. Is there a way that I can ask them to eliminate the balance and withraw my case to let me look for another venue.I don't have any money left and just enough for a retainer to continue. Or, if they don't agree, should I report them to a grievance committee to ask for a credit.