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do i have to let my kids father talk to them if we were never married there is no court order

my ex says wants to talk to the kids but he is not a good influence for them and he doesn't want to do anything. he says I have to let him talk to them. we were never married there is no court order, no child support.

Re: do i have to let my kids father talk to them if we were never married there is no court order

prine: I would get a Family Lawyer to answer this question and get some child support.

Re: do i have to let my kids father talk to them if we were never married there is no court order

Why wouldnt you let them speak to him? Why do you think he's a bad influence? What harm could he do over the phone? He is their father, you chose him as he did you. Let them speak to their father. Any issues you have with him can be handled in court. You cannot block him from his kids, or rather, you should not.