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Re: alienation and child's defiance

Mehere: I don't agree with what your ex is saying and doing. He is probably, in part, trying to eliminate child support. Where I live, in MA, the kids get to decide with which parent they want to live with at 12, I believe. As your son gets older, he will see his Dad for the person he is as my daughter did. If he gets to live with his Dad, he may change his mind and move back in with you someday. (I agree with much of what Resolved has posted). What I would recommend is a Family Lawyer. It is good that there is counseling taking place. I was a step child at 19 and my brother was 17. It is a tough situation. My step dad and I did not get along. He was probably burned out due to having raised five kids born in five years and a failed second marriage to a woman whose daughter didn't like him. He spent a lot of time at my house. We didn't become friends until much later and he was a great source of support when my bio dad died a few years ago. Step Dad just died a few days ago. Step Dad and mom moved further and further away (south), but, as I got older and understood adult relationships, I just wanted them to be happy (have a step mom, too, who is dying and she could not have any bio children of her own). Best wishes.

Re: alienation and child's defiance

He's taking me back to mediation because I wouldn't agree to sign over custody and pay him child support. So basically, this is the same situation as the last time we mediated where he wasn't willing to budge on what he wanted- I'm required to "attend" mediation but am I required to participate. I was going to simply state that this is another attempt to manipulate me, it is not a cooperative effort to solve anything so why am I here??