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time sharing


My name is Calvin and I am now in the midst of a divorce. My soon to be ex is filling for divorce which is agreed upon by us both ( not yet filled). However she is trying to strip me of time sharing with our son. There a certain times she says that I can see him so I go to meet up with her to get my son and her first words are do you have my check if not you can't see your son. Since we are not divorced yet and papers haven't been filled can she do that to me and if she doesn't let me see him do I have to pay her child support? And if I didn't pay her support when she doesn't let me see him and once the divorce is final can she back from previous month before the divorce an collect? Just to make it clear I'm not a deadbeat dad I take care of our son with a check every month but what gets me is she says I can't see him unless I pay her.And if I do pay her can she take the money and still not let me see our son?

Thank you in advance


Re: time sharing

cal: You need a consultation with a Family Lawyer ASAP. Also, check on line the child support laws in your State.