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coping with my emotions as I enter into divorce

Is anyone else out there struggling with the ups and downs of emotions due to an unwanted divorce? I tried to hold my 30 yr marriage together but he wants out... he has a younger girlfriend (secretary he works with and sees every day) and she is also married and cheating on HER spouse..

Re: coping with my emotions as I enter into divorce

Sierra: I have been divorced since 2009. My ex filed. He moved across the country and found a girlfriend before the divorce went into court to be finalized. I thought at the time I did not want it, but it turned out for the best. I didn't want to see anyone seriously after the divorce, but someone nice found me. It isn't perfect, but there are nice people out there. Going through a divorce is a stressful time and I passed the time swimming at a local health club (where my boyfriend met me). Spend time with supportive friends. I also got into Yoga recently. Take care of yourself and let the Lawyer(s) do the work. Make sure you close all joint accounts, i.e., joint credit cards and joint bank account(s) even before the divorce is final and get your own. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. I think most people would feel you don't need to be associated with people like him and his girlfriend. My Lawyer told me not to involve myself with what my ex is doing in his personal life. I think that was good advice, especially for people who don't have minor children together.

Re: coping with my emotions as I enter into divorce

My husband of 13 years also had an affair (his second one) with his married office worker and now they are living together with her two teenage daughters. My husband put his name on her mortgage in order to get rid of her husband and now they will be spending their third Christmas together in that house.
I figure any woman who is stupid enough to want to be with a man like that(she knows he cheated on me before) gets what she deserves.
I do believe Karma will eventually catch up with them. Meanwhile I have decided to focus on finding the joy in my own life, as hard as it is sometimes.
You can do it too XXXX

Re: coping with my emotions as I enter into divorce

I filed for divorce after a 13 year marriage. Did I want a divorce...Absolutely NOT, but there was no choice. It was lies, betrayal, no trust, hidden money, silent treatments throughout the 13 year union. It was God awful. And so out of respect to myself, and because not a family member, friend, neighbor or co worker could stand to watch the abuse anymore, I decided to do the right thing.

It was a very hard decision, because I was 62 when I filed, and this is not how I planned to spend my golden years.

I have been divorced for alittle over a year now. He went on, close to 70, found another, practically has her living in his new house that he bought, driving his new Korvette, and it is the most heartbreaking thing, to know, that I meant absolutely nothing to him.

I wanted him to love me....obviously he didn't.

I wanted him to NOT be the Narcisstic man, that he is....but I didn't get that prayer answered...he is.

I wanted him to miss me, and think what he lost....it never entered his mind.

Very, very hard to live with, but at some point you have to accept the truth. I too believe in Karma, although at the moment, he has the life of Riley. But I believe that it is in God's hands.

After a year of adjusting and learning about myself, I am ready to venture out of the hous. Not date, or socialize with men, but to go to places where there is mixed company. But It's been some journey for me.

The thing is, you can't change it, honey. They are going to do what they want to do. And the less you know, if there are no children, the better. Trust me, in the beginning I knew too much and it ripped my heart out. Now I stay No Contact and it's been 7 months and it is so much better.

If there is children, well, you are going to have to bite your tongue alot, make yourself as scarced as you can with the pick up and drop offs and never, ever, ever let him know what you are going through.

I am sorry that this is happening to you and I am sorry that it happened to so many of us on this forum. But we are all still alive, and so obviously we all get through it, with the help and support of this forum. My prayers and hugs are with you

Re: coping with my emotions as I enter into divorce

I feel the same way, and I've only been married for two years.

I don't want out, but he does. But I have a child that I don't want to lose.

I just try to focus on what God wants,and know that this isn't the end of my life. No matter what happens, no matter the struggles, life does go on.

I couldn't imagine 30 years. That's insane. I will be praying for you.