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How long Does Divorce take for heaven's sake?

I am going crazy! I filed for divorce at the end of January and am still not divorced. We did try to reconcile, out of my stupidity, which lasted 30 days. I had to complete a questionnaire of 'Interrogatory' questions, so we had to pick up that where we left off. That is done. I don't care anything about his things I just want this to be over! I feel like I am in a funk and can't focus on anything. I have put on weight from stress, my disability is effected due to the stress. I know that my lawyer is trying very hard to make sure I'm not getting taken advantage of, but I'm so tired of this process, I could just cancel the whole thing. I know that sounds foolish, but I don't know what's taking so long. If anyone had any information I would surely appreciate it.


Re: How long Does Divorce take for heaven's sake?

Dawn: My Lawyer told me it takes about a year for a divorce to become final. My ex lost a job and got another one and stalled on the alimony and it still took a year. I do agree the waiting is the worst part. When you thought about reconciling and had to fill out more papers, this may have slowed things down a bit. The courts are busy, too.

Re: How long Does Divorce take for heaven's sake?

I am from New York. We were married 13 years and had a home that we bought together.
I filed for my Divorce October 2011. My divorce was final June 18, 2013. That was 18 months. The process is slow, and realy it is a good thing that the lawyer is making sure was ever is due you, gets asked for. My brother bought out my husband, so I kept the house. But I got half the value of his two new cars, and didn't realize that I was entitled to two small pensions that was accumlated during our years together. Monies that was hidden was found, and everything like furniture had to be talked about and split. Nothing gets done, in 6 months, honey. It's just the way that it is.

Be patient, take it step by step and I promise the end of the tunnel will come. Good Luck to you

Re: How long Does Divorce take for heaven's sake?

I have been doing this dance for 2 1/2 years at this point and in January of 2015 it will have been 3 years that he's been out of the house. Not every divorce is like this however mine has been .. I have been to court so much that the bailiffs when I come in think I work for an attorney. Try to let it go as much as possible in terms of allowing it to affect your well being keep taking care of you first and just go the course. Trust me it could be worse .. big hugs.