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husband has a date

Well, I moved out of our home on Aug.5. What is that, 6 weeks ago? Just heard a voicemail from my stbe to my son, his stepson, cancelling their plan to attend NFL game tomorrow. Husband "has a date" so my son gets cast aside. 16 yrs and he throws him away too. Just like he did me. Makes me crazy but what can I do. Nothing.

Re: husband has a date

Mel: I'll bet he's taking her to that NFL game. Kids realize the person for who they are, mine did. I hope you all will cut ties with him when your child(ren) are 18.

Re: husband has a date

my posts keep disappearing, I'm hitting wrong buttons. In a nutshell. Son is grown man, ex has been like Dad past 16 yrs. Sad ex throws son, and younger nieces who don't understand, to the garbage pile,, where I am. Real big brick to the face when I heard about taking female to the game. We used to go. 3 months ago he was telling me he loved me and we would still hug and cuddle, not much else. Apparent, again, that he moved on a long time ago. I know he can only cause the hurt in my heart I allow, but how long will the pain and brokeness last? I want peace in my heart. I worked right up to the bitter end trying to be a better wife, why am I the one who hurts and he feels he did nothing wrong? He couldn't be happier. He calls and texts and keeps saying I have to sign the divorce papers cause he's not offering anything other than what he agreed to, nothing is gonna change so better sign or get nothing. I can't explain cause story is too long but he is right, he does hold all the financial cards. He has me under the bus, can pull the rug out at any time. So I can't even express my displeasure and the fact I could slap the crap out of him.