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spouse wants new mortgage in his name only even though he is on our current mortgage

My husband moved out of our home 5 years ago. Both of our names are on the mortgage and we also have a home equity loan. He wants of apply for a mortgage in his name only so he can purchase his own home even though he has not bothered to divorce me as yet. What does this mean for me?

Re: spouse wants new mortgage in his name only even though he is on our current mortgage

Kelly: My ex tried to buy a home on our court date. There is a waiting period where I live before the divorce is final. I received a call from someone wanting to check my credit (which is fine) because we were still legally married. I asked my Lawyer for help. She stated emphatically that I was TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUYING OF THIS HOUSE. It seems to me like your husband is using you to get what he wants. I certainly did not want to be financially responsible should he not be able to make a payment(s) on it, especially since he had lost many jobs and ended up losing another one. A few years later he bought a house on his own. Things like homes in people's names are handled by Lawyer (I got the house in the divorce and he got his retirement). You need a Lawyer ASAP.