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Name on property deed

I recently divorced my husband in June 2014. Before we divorced he promised that he would add my name to the deed after we finished the divorce process. Now that we have officially divorced and the process is over, he is hesitating to put my name on the house deed.
However, on the divorce papers, it is stated...

"That the Plaintiff and Defendant own the following property as their family residence located at (ADDRESS) valued at(AMOUNT).

That the Plaintiff and Defendant shall continue to reside at the aforementioned residence. That the property will remain the family residence until both parties decide to sell the property at the true market value determined at that time,and split the property value.

That the Plaintiff and Defendant share the property with the children of their marriage until the Plaintiff or Defendant make a decision to move his/her primary residence to any location they desire, continuing the ownership of the shared property. The Plaintiff shall continue to pay the mortgage, insurance, and property taxes current, for as long as both parties own and share the property.

That no third party shall be allowed to move into or share the subject property that is shared between the Plaintiff and the Defendant before OR AFTER the divorce, and as long as both the Plaintiff and the Defendant shall reside in the premises.

The Plaintiff and Defendant shall share the property with the children of the marriage until the Plaintiff or Defendant shall remarry. The party that remarries must relocate his or her primary residence to another location, or agree to willingly sell the property, and split the property value between the parties. "

Does this mean that he is the owner of the house and I have no rights to the house?
Does this affect me and my children in the future?
Do I have to have my name added to the property deed?

Re: Name on property deed

Laura: You need to ask the Lawyer these questions. Best wishes.