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Re: stbe will NOT accept any responsiblity

My husband is the same way.

Tells everyone that the end of the marriage was my fault, that I was the one who cheated, I was a terrible wife, you name it.
He even went so far as to tell some of my family that I was the one who cheated. He was the one who cheated on me, with some woman at his job.

The true friends can see that he's full of it, but it still bothers me so much that he has to try and tell people lies. It wouldnt bother me if he just said we werent happy anymore or something like that but to outright make up lies hurts.

Ive tried to keep things as nice as possible but maybe i have to start getting nasty because he seems to think he's untouchable.

Re: stbe will NOT accept any responsiblity

It won't help to get nasty, they just get nastier and you'll feel awful after you hang up the phone. It's only been 6 wks since I moved out and I seem to learn a big new lesson every few days. I have realized that the husband has a "network' and the wife has a "network". To me that means the lies and BS that he spews is believed by the people around him who "yes" him to death even though there is evidence to the contrary in their faces. I am learning to just not give a hoot, but boy, it makes me crazy. So here comes the old adage, "consider the source". Who really cares what they think? I know that's hard because we don't want to have this reputation that the ex creates which is all a big fat lie. But who cares what they think I say again? And the smart, observant people will know the truth. And the ex knows the truth deep down, he can't lie to himself when the lights are out and he's all alone.

Re: stbe will NOT accept any responsiblity

I know what you mean Mel,

I'm just thinking of my own situation. My soon to be ex hasnt paid a dime since i served him.
Maybe its my mistake for not getting temporary orders but I was trying to be the nicer person cause he wanted to handle this without going to court.and i believed him
Then top that off with all the lies hes been telling everyone and i get so angry its like why are you doing this to me ?

thats part of what I meant by responsibility. But ive had enough of his crap that im just going to file a temporary hearing and get things moving. thats what i meant by nasty.

Maybe ive been too nice for too long.