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Re: Uggggh, Gosh.

I'm sorry for your divorce but regarding your child...your ex is his father.

If you really love your child and have his best interest at heart, do not try to interfere with your child's relationship with his father. Its really not your right to do so. Fighting in court over custody over damages the child. And being a gatekeeper for your kid is the worst, most selfish way to get revenge on your ex. Your bad relationship with your ex has nothing to do with the child's relationship with his dad. Besides, its really not your decision to make...ultimately the court will decide if you guys can't be child-focused enough to come to a reasonable, fair agreement.

Live well, that's the way to get through this. Take care of yourself...go for walks, pamper yourself, get lots of sleep and spend some time figuring out what you really want out of the rest of your life. Being happy is a skill and takes practice...you have to work on it everyday. And you deserve to be happy. So does your little boy. Don't deny yourself or your child the right to a happy, non-conflict filled life. Good luck getting through this trying time.

Re: Uggggh, Gosh.

Thank you so much for that. I talked with my soon to be ex, and he is coming this weekend to see my son. I think we are going to try to talk through everything, that way we can just be friends. We both can cry and laugh and get over with it, and can hopefully make good resolutions when we go to court on Monday.

You're right, I need to do what I want. I think I've kinda lost some of my ambition. I wanted to go back to school for Dental Hygiene, but didn't think that was possible. I think I need to call the community college and see what I have to do to get down that path.

Re: Uggggh, Gosh.

Like NormalWoman says, he is the father.

As much as I hate dealing with my soon to be ex, I have to for my kids. Until one of us dies, anyway lol

Love the child more than you hate the father.

Re: Uggggh, Gosh.

Hugs and welcome, I don't know what state you are in, I DO encourage you to document ALL of the missed visitation. Are you able to get supervised visits? Is there legal baring that can be proven without reasonable doubt in court for such a situation? My children are older .. however they were still given the right to decide if they see their dad or not and at this point they choose not to. I have sole custody something that I don't think my STBX understood when I got it. Are you open to attending DivorceCare? It really does help I just started going and it makes a difference for me in dealing with a couple of different situations going on. You need support not only here where it's easy to reach out at all hours however also real time .. hugs and it gets better!!