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Re: Have i messed up? And how can i fix it?

I hope you were able to get a hearing set if you have financials at ALL get them together .. my STBX's atty is infamous for what I call starving people out, delay, delay, delay I truly do not like this man and hope he sleeps on hot pokers every night .. lol .. yes I'm dealing with some anger when I have paid out 14k in my divorce. 10k is NOTHING when it comes to child support I'm assuming you have young kids. sorry I came late to the party .. lol. I would encourage you to use a support calculator and figure out what you would be entitled to via your state it will give a rough estimate. THEN you can decide if that's a good deal for you or not .. ask for the moon and figure out what you will get .. ask for him to pay your insurance, ask for him to pay 100% of medical for the kid/s. Think about what you need in terms of raising children because it doesn't sound like he's going to be present for long. Also DOCUMENT EVERYTHING with visitation I have a deal that goes 2 years back at this point I keep an on going ledger on my computer. Big hugs and it's hard to know what to do and while atty's are suppose to look out for you as a paying client they don't have to live with the end result. Big hugs again.