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Re: When is enough, enough?

Well ladies, it has been 3 months since I last wrote on this post. Thankfully, with a lot of hard work, determination and prayers, my husband and I were able to stay together. One day back in July I asked his boss (our landlord) if he had any places to rent. He then found out I wanted to separate from my husband, and I think he had a long talk with my husband that day on the work site. That, or my husband realized I was really going to go through with it and he needed to change.We did have a talk about the abuse, and he revealed he was severely depressed and having somewhat of a mid-life crisis over everything going on, he just snapped but in an entirely inappropriate morally wrong way. I forgave him, because I know deep down he's not a bad person, he wasn't being himself. We are doing extremely well now, to the point where I haven't felt this connection with him except for when we were first dating. We haven't fought in over a month. In fact, we don't fight at all... I ended up going to Arizona to see my best friend for a week and he watched the kids, and he was amazing with them. I came home to a clean house, and a welcoming hug. We seem like a completely different couple now, it is just awesome and the kids are happier knowing we don't fight- at all. He is happy, and doesn't seem depressed anymore. He is attentive and doesn't get angry over every little thing. It's a side of him I haven't seen in years and I can only hope it stays this way!

Re: When is enough, enough?

For your sake I hope it stays that way also. Just be careful and watch him. Take mental notes of his behavior toward you. If he truly does have a desire to change and loves you he will continue to work hard on becoming a better person. Everyone has flaws and no one is perfect. Different circumstances such as how we are raised can contribute to how we treat others as adults. Be patient and loving and watch him from afar. If you see some of the bad behaviors appear again, try counseling and then maybe separation. He needs to put you first. Always remember that.