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Feel bad because I can't take past drama no more

I'm starting to hate my husband... He is such a control freak, drama queen,
I just got married in August of 2014 and my marriage hasn't been a marriage it's been all about his past drama with his ex over his daughter.. I'm tired of the constant drama.. (he had an affair with a married women) They both hate each other with a passion. They both use the daughter to get back at one another. I feel bad for the little girl but it's hard on me because I'm dealing with my husband that acts like an Ahole...

Re: Feel bad because I can't take past drama no more

and you had no idea he was like this before you married him? You just figured it out in the past 3 months? Puzzled.

Re: Feel bad because I can't take past drama no more

Pix: If you want to save the marriage, I would advise marriage or individual counseling for one or both of you if you have insurance to cover it. I have been divorced since 2009 and my boyfriend still keeps in touch with an ex who has kids (not his kids), but she keeps him in the picture so she can use him so I know how you feel. The kids are ok, but I can't wait til they grow up and she finds a new man (the kids are all over age 12, but he was nearly their stepfather and he got attached to them). To me, a control freak like you describe your husband, is an abusive person. I would not be able to put up with it either. Since you have been married such a short time, a divorce should not be complicated. Perhaps, next time it would be better for you to "look before you leap" and not be with someone who has children or maybe someone with children nearly grown up (I don't know what age group you're in). I would get your own bank account and make sure you have your own credit cards in your name if you decided to leave. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. See if you can get a free consultation with a Lawyer to see what they think of your situation.