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Re: name change

Hope: I have known of two women who have done this after divorce. It is done in court. Neither one of the women had much money and were still able to do it where I live in MA. Talk to a Lawyer.

Re: name change


There's no way, I would waste money using a lawyer for this.

I'm not sure why the only advice on this site is "get a lawyer"...especially for easy things like this. Lawyers are expensive, take longer than necessary and should be used in situations where legal advice is in your best interest.

Clearly this isn't one of those instances. Changing your name is a very simple process.

The easiest way to do it is to just use Legal Zoom and fill the forms out...here's the website:


It takes very little time to get this done. Good luck and enjoy your new name!

Re: name change

I just started using my maiden name again and changed it back on my drivers license, bank accounts and health card. I am in Canada so maybe its different here.

Re: name change


I think it depends on what state you're in.

In some states, you can just take your divorce decree, which would have your maiden name on it and use that to get a new DL.

But in most States, when you get your final papers before your decree, you get to change your name (in fact, in MI, you can change to whatever you want...doesn't have to be your maiden name).

But ultimately, in whatever state you're in...the most thorough way to do it is to legally register your new name and Legal Zoom is a quick, easy way to do that.

Re: name change

I am only separated and I live in Canada.

Re: name change

If your ex wants you to change back to your maiden name, ensure he pays any fees and you get something of value in return!

Re: name change

Change your name! You can fine the necessary resources by getting online with a "change name" search I would think that if you do it yourself it will be minimal cost. Lee

Re: name change

Hi Hope! :)

I am learning the hard way that this isn't as easy as folks are making it out to be.

I tried changing my name back, and found out that I can't do it without having my divorce decree amended (because this clause wasn't in the decree). There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with legalzoom.

Long story short, I will need to file a motion to amend by myself, or hire a lawyer. Then I can use the amended divorce papers to change my name in my current county.

Hope this helps!

Re: name change

I have been advised by a lawyer NOT to reclaim my maiden name as it would put my credit rating at "0", and I would be subject to deposits on utilities, etc., even if I have been paying the bills out of my own checking account for years. Just telling my insurance carrier (Geico) doubled my rates and his stayed the same. I am now considered a "high risk." I think all divorced women should lobby congress to get this ridiculousness resolved. It is unfair to punish women for being divorced, while the men suffer no retribution whatsoever.