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Janz: I know of no place where you can get a free divorce. If you have no assets (you are not a homeowner, etc.), a divorce is less costly and time consuming. What I can tell you is that every phone call, e-mail, court appearance, etc., a Lawyer does for you they charge you for so it is a good idea to let them contact you when they have news. You could try going on-line if your State accepts divorces in that way. Check the divorce laws on this site to see what the laws are in your State. Learn as much as you can on your own about it. If your husband doesn't argue about things to do with the divorce and you both want a quick one, it will be less costly. See if you can get a loan to retain the services of a Lawyer if you need one. Make sure you get your own bank account and credit cards, a Lawyer would tell you to do this. My Lawyer was low cost and worked out of her home so the first retainer fee was only $1,200 which my parents gave me. If your husband is abusive toward you and you are at poverty level, you may qualify for some free legal help. Contact your nearest women's/family service center to see what your options are. Some Lawyers will not charge you for the first visit (a free consultation) so call around and see if you can find one. Also, you can contact your local Bar Association for some free legal advice.