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Decree Filed, How long until he has to pay.


I am closing in on the final stretch of a three-year, ugly, mean divorce. I went back to court after original decree to get him to pay outstanding child support/alimony because he was non-compliant. Judge ordered that he has to pay c/s and a. within 60 days of decree date, which is November 30th.

There are a few other monies judge also ordered to pay. But she did not stipulate a date. When does he have to pay this money by? I thought it was 30 days after decree. He is going to fight every last order. It is so sickening. I am so tired, but "still I rise."

Re: Decree Filed, How long until he has to pay.

Sorry, but can anyone respond? Is this chat group not really being used anymore? I will try to respond to others' questions, as well. Takes a village, right?

Re: Decree Filed, How long until he has to pay.

Jake: If I were in this situation, it's a question I'd ask my Lawyer.