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delusional STBE

I moved out 3 months ago. I have not heard from him in the past month and have not seen him but once in the 3 months. I do not call, I agree with the no contact rule. But I had to have a conversation with the STBE about the dogs, and during the conversation I mentioned that my "counts" indicating whether I need to begin chemo for leukemia NOW as opposed to later had come down, for the first time in 4 1/2 years, and they came down a good amount. As a result I can wait at least till the next visit in 2 months when we check it again. So I tell him I think it's great and he says, "Oh, it came down because you're not under so much stress", and he totally blames something other than himself for any part in my stress which prob did cause it to go up every time it was checked the past 4 1/2 years. Clearly he had something to do with it. I suggested it was probably a little of what he was, but not only that. He says and I quote, "well it wasn't me causing it, cuz I didn't do a single thing wrong!" Oh brother! Some things will never change and that's why we are where we are.