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Re: In love with someone else, no kids - Legal Options?

Nearly all states have no-fault divorce of one sort or another. The standard verbiage to use is "mutual incompatibility." You file in a court, negotiate, agree, a judge signs off on it, then a waiting period to finalize. Only a few states might have a 1 year wait. In Texas, it's 90 days to finalization. But your lover will probably get, at most, 50-50 custody if his stbx has anything to say about it.
I agree, there is a good chance your boyfriend will get cold feet and won't divorce.

Re: In love with someone else, no kids - Legal Options?

Blue: In MA they call it "irretrievable breakdown of the marriage". The waiting period is a few months for finalization, but, what I meant was the Lawyer told me the time period from when someone files to when it goes to court for the "final" review by the Judge is about a year (takes time to get a court date in some States with a high population/courts are busy). Best wishes to all during this difficult time around the holidays.

Re: In love with someone else, no kids - Legal Options?

Every state is different. You should consult with an attorney in your own state. The local state bar may be able to refer you to someone. Also think long and hard before pursuing a divorce. Make sure you really love this other guy before doing so. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You may already have something great with your current spouse. You may just have forgotten. But only you know if this is true.