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Re: Financial Abuse-Attorney needed pro bono

Veronica: I would contact the local Bar Association to see if there is anyone doing pro bono (free) legal work and could help you. More importantly, contact your local abused women's services center (they may have legal contacts/info. there to help you, too). I was divorced in 2009. We both had Lawyers. If it is "your business", how was he able to cut you off financially from it? If it is a joint account held at a bank, I don't see how he could. He seems like a really angry/abusive/guy who wants to punish. If he wants a divorce, sooner or later he will get a Lawyer to see what he can get and will have to face the Judge. Whatever is going on, it can't go on forever. In the meantime, get whatever help you need, i.e., Food Pantry, Salvation Army assistance with help paying emergency utility bills and be sure to open your own bank account with money you earn from your business. A Lawyer would tell you to close all joint bank accounts (he may get half, but there isn't enough info. on your post/details for me to help you with that, plus, I had my own checking account when my ex left and we did not have a joint one for long), including joint credit card accounts, joint dept. store cards and joint lines of credit. If you have minor children, see about getting child support right away. Research the divorce laws of California on this site. See if you can do an on-line divorce if you need to save money and your State accepts it. Let us know how it goes. We do care. Nicole?