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How soon..is too soon? (to date)

My divorce should hopefully be final just after the first of the year. So maybe toward February. We have been separated for a couple of months. I have had people suggest to me to start the dating process as soon as the divorce is final. I would never date while still married, though to each their own. However, even after it is final...how soon is too soon? I don't want to rebound right after it is finalized, though I feel like I am almost completely unattached to him. We are strangers now. He has always been a big question mark to me. I feel like I barely know him now. I have no negative feelings toward him but the feelings of love are nonexistent also. I am past the point of anger and have started moving on. Any advice?? (Usually I give the advice..ha.. )

Re: How soon..is too soon? (to date)

Anonymous (the original): I would wait at least until the spring and give yourself some time to think and completely heal from the divorce to start dating. I did not want to date again after my divorce, but someone found me about 2 years later. It takes different amounts of time for different people and since you did not want to be on the rebound........He met me at a Health Club. I was in my late forties and thought everyone my age was married, but there are a lot of divorced people out there who are looking. He's never been married because his ex gf didn't want to and he was with her long term.

Re: How soon..is too soon? (to date)

You should date when you feel like you're ready to date. Its completely up to you feeling comfortable with the process.

Dating after separation can be a lot of fun and it can also be difficult to navigate. Relax, be honest about how you feel while you're spending time with another person and don't feel pressured. If you try it and feel like its not working out...take a break and try again later.

I met my now fiancé about 2 weeks after I separated and we've been together for over 5 years. I had zero attachment to my then husband because we had lived very separate lives for years. It was extremely easy to move on, I fantasized about it for years waiting for the kids to get old enough for me to divorce. But its different for everyone.

I wouldn't try to follow anyone else's standard of what they think is right. You know you...do what feels right.

Re: How soon..is too soon? (to date)

Thank you ladies. You both have given very great advice. I guess I will just see how the next couple of months goes :)