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falling into a crevasse

I thought I was climbing the mountain to a recovery. I know it has only been 4 months. But for some reason, 4 days ago I fell into a deep funk (holidays looming??)and can't stop having melt-downs. What happened? I took 10 steps forward and 20 steps back. I cannot seem to believe that I will be spending my first Christmas in 16 years alone. What happened? All this stuff on facebook about family celebrations on Thanksgiving and stores shouldn't make people work and on and on....all I can focus on is Christmas alone. Thanksgiving alone. These are holidays you don't intrude on other families, you just suffer in silence. Where is the comfort? I am so empty, lost, lonely, sad, hurt, I don't even feel like reading my "Surviving Divorce" books, they are clearly not working. I am not working.

Re: falling into a crevasse

I feel the same. Everybody keeps saying sorry but the next thing out of their mouths is that divorce happens. I just need to move on. How do move on with so much pain, hurt and loneliness. How????