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Disposing of relinquished property

I have a town house full of my sister and brother-in-law's household goods. I'm preparing to move next week and my brother-in-law refuses to pay to have his stuff removed even though my sister is allowing him to take it all, without dispute. He's basically just trying to make it as difficult as possible for me because he's angry I was awarded custody of their children. I will need to prepare the house to vacate so I suppose that means I'll have to absorb the costs of having the furniture removed. Is there any way I can require him to have the property removed?

Re: Disposing of relinquished property

Kristi: Lawyers handle questions like this. If you cannot afford a Lawyer, call your nearest Bar Association or contact your local women's services center which may have free or low cost legal help or a referral for one. My ex abandoned junk/unsellable/unusable in the house. After two years, my Lawyer said I could dispose of them. I had Dad's cleaning lady's husband take some of the stuff out, two metal guys took stuff for free and the rest just went into the trash after he came back and decided he did not want it. He was given many opportunities to remove his items, removed them himself in his car and refused to hire anyone. Many church groups and friends can help move the stuff. Make sure they are physically fit and you trust them. Also, if you know a young person in the neighborhood who is 18 or over or have relatives in that age group, they will usually move furniture out for a modest fee.